After such an extended absence from my blog, I am overdue for an update. The learning process continues and here is an opening tip for 2016: If you intend to live LowCarb, ideally Very LowCarb (VLC-less than 40 grams of carbs/day for me) don't, under any circumstance, decide to visit HersheyPark PA for a Thanksgiving getaway. This is exactly what we did. I had been traveling extensively for work, and we had a 4-day open long weekend over Thanksgiving. The married boys were going to their in-laws' to feast so we decided to take the three youngest on a little last-minute getaway. Hershey, PA was a place that we had talked about going earlier in the Summer, and now seemed like a good time to go.
Chocolateland USA is not LowCarb friendly. I know this isn't a revelation to anyone, but I assumed I would have a bit of high-sugar chocolate and then merrily return to my VLC ways. This was not to be. The trip to Hershey kicked off a holiday season of compromises and I find myself entering 2016 at 240 lbs. My lowest weight after my 30-day meat/dairy-only diet was 228. So...basic math reveals that relaxing my VLC ways and going back on a very modest amount of sugar/sweets from late November through early January, (about 6-7 weeks), resulted in a 12 lb weight gain. How is that for a great example of the effect of sugar and a very small amount of grains?
I am getting back to the VLC way of eating (WOE) and as I sit looking out at the first snowstorm of 2016, I wonder why I ever changed from my high-fat, VLC WOE. I can't say I really missed the sugar or grain. I had a bushel of super-sweet Fuji apples that constantly called my name but now they are gone. I feel great and super energetic on beef, bacon, butter, salt, high-fat dairy, cheese and a few mushrooms (eaten with the beef). I haven't been traveling for the past couple of weeks and I find it more of a challenge to eat VLC at home, just because of day-to-day family life that includes regular foods that I am used to eating. I have become much better at staying consistent even at home. One of my most important tips is to avoid restaurants whenever possible. Eating VLC is almost impossible at restaurants. During my recent trip to Philadelphia I had great success. I had access to a kitchen in my hotel room and an outdoor BBQ grill. Every night was the same food and it was fantastic. Ribeye steak, mushrooms fried in KerryGold butter, and a head of cauliflower. That's it...and it was highly satisfying. For four days I ate the same thing every night. I wasn't hungry throughout the day...until about 3pm when I would start to dream about...steak and mushrooms...and cauliflower.
On my next trip to Dallas (Feb.1-6) I'm planning on following the same pattern. Great energy and very satisfying food. I'm looking forward to the Dallas trip because I'm actually only training in Dallas one day, after which I'm headed about an hour southeast of Dallas, out into the country for 4-days of training in Kaufman County TX. I'm staying at a cabin on a ranch where I will have access to a grill and a full kitchen. I'm seeing more ribeyes, mushrooms and cauliflower in my future!
I have lots more to write and will try to get caught up here. Upcoming are a few rants that I had better put in their own section. My first rant will be on the scam that is known as Grass-fed beef. Other rants that are percolating beneath the surface...all things politics.