Greetings and welcome to a rather unique experiment that I have been thinking about and researching for quite some time. Simply put, this experiment will cover 19-days, from 8pm on April 11, 2021, through 8pm on April 30, 2021. Why the weird dates you may ask? Well, we have a wedding today (April 11) and I am determined, not to be "that guy" that is fasting at a wedding. My fifth son, Aaron, is getting married (again) today. He and his wife were officially married last year at the height of the Covid-19 insanity, so it was a very, very small wedding. Today is the re-I-do ceremony, and the weather for Central Virginia looks perfect. During the next 19-days, I only have one potentially awkward issue, that being a luncheon for work that could be rather difficult to avoid. (Perhaps a perfectly-timed phone call that "unfortunately" takes me away from the meeting?) We will see what transpires. This experiment will begin with a 2-day water-only fast that will begin tonight at 8pm.
So, why a Raw Milk Therapy (hereafter to be known as RMT) experiment? I completed a 10-day water-only Jan.1-10, 2021 and that was a very enlightening experience. I determined that after 3-months, I was going to complete another fast, but was unsure exactly what form this next fast would take.
Sometime in February, I stumbled across an old book written by Dr. J.R. Crewe in 1929. Dr. Crewe was a leading physician at the Mayo Institute (forerunner of the now-famous, Mayo Clinic) in Rochester, MN. While reading this book, I was amazed at the fantastic results of what became known as "The Milk Cure". If you are interested in looking at a summary of this book, you can find it here: The Milk Cure Summary
Now just a wait a minute! If amazing cures to chronic and life-threatening diseases, such as those listed at the end of the blog, can be achieved simply through a regimen of raw milk from pasture-fed cows, why wouldn't it still be widely used today? The answer is two-fold:
- Raw milk is not widely (legally) available in the US or Canada, the very countries where these treatments are most needed.
- There is absolutely no money to be made with this treatment as all drugs and other therapies are eliminated. With no money to be made, doctors have little interest or incentive to try such a radical treatment experiment. Dr. Crewe states that it is only because of the patients' own desires and in some cases, their dedication to even source and buy their own milk, that the treatment continues to be used.
- reduce body fat
- improve skin cancer spots (I'll speak more of this later in the blog)
- improve prostate health (I'll address this in more detail later in the blog as well)
- maintain healthy blood sugar
- strengthen immune system/spring allergy symptom control
- Amount of fluid milk consumed each day and timing of drinking as well as caloric value. The calorie count will be based on the average raw milk value of 750 calories per quart.
- Amount of raw kefir consumed each day and timing of drinking as well as caloric value. If you are not familiar with this miraculous product, I'll speak more of it and explain its nearly-magical properties as we go through this 19-day experiment. 8 oz of raw kefir = 160 calories. If you want more info on raw milk kefir, go here: Raw Milk Kefir I will be using kefir as both food, and as a topical treatment to the areas of skin cancer I am watching.
- Blood sugar and ketone readings three times per day: once upon rising (fasted state), once 2hrs after one of the feedings, and once at the end of the day before retiring for bed.
- Weight and body fat percentage every fourth day. So there will be 6 weights/ body fat measurements taken. Start (see bottom of this post), Day 4, Day 8, Day 12, Day 16, End.
The treatment is used in many chronic conditions but chiefly in tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular and renal conditions, hypertension, and in patients who are underweight, run-down, etc. Striking results are seen in diseases of the heart and kidneys and high blood pressure. In cases in which there is marked edema, the results obtained are surprisingly marked. This is especially striking because so-called dropsy has never been treated with large quantities of fluid. With all medication withdrawn, one case lost twenty-six pounds in six days, huge edema disappearing from the abdomen and legs, with great relief to the patient. No cathartics or diuretics were given. This property of milk in edema has been noted in both cardiac and renal cases.
Patients with cardiac disease respond splendidly without medication. In patients who have been taking digitalis and other stimulants, the drugs are withdrawn. High blood pressure patients respond splendidly and the results in most instances are quite lasting. The treatment has been used successfully in obesity without other alimentation. One patient reduced from 325 pounds to 284 in two weeks, on four quarts of milk a day, while her blood pressure was reduced from 220 to 170. Some extremely satisfying results have been obtained in a few cases of diabetics.
When sick people are limited to a diet containing an excess of vitamins and all the elements necessary to growth and maintenance, which are available in milk, they recover rapidly without the use of drugs and without bringing to bear all the complicated weapons of modern medicine.
Under the head of Treatment in Chronic Gastritis, Osler has said, “A rigid milk diet should be tried” (Principles and Practices of Medicine, by William Osler, M.D., eighth edition). And quoting from George Cheyne, he wrote, “Milk and sweet sound blood differ in nothing but color: milk is blood.”
As always, feel free to comment and I'll do my best to keep this blog up-to-date each day. Video segments may not be daily, but I'll insert the videos in the blog whenever they are available. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask/comment away. I'll check back in here tomorrow which will be Day 1 of 2 days of water fasting which is recommended by Dr. Crewe to prepare the body and eliminate previous foods. Dr. Crewe says fasting up to 5-days or more may be even more beneficial, but I'm anxious to get to my milk! So, 2-days will be my intro fast.
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