Friday, November 4, 2016

The Benefits of Citizenship: Or...Fear and Loathing at the Canadian Border

A couple of weeks ago I was on a business trip, preparing to cross the border from Port Huron, Michigan, into Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. As a dual citizen (Canada and US), this border crossing is never a problem. As I approached the Canadian border, I entered the line for expedited processing (NEXUS), reserved for those who have "Trusted Traveler" status. I flashed my card at the electronic reader and proceeded to the customs officer. When he asked the purpose of my trip, I casually replied, "business and pleasure." I explained I was going to visit family in Ontario and then conduct 2-days of training for the City of London, Ontario. He looked at me for a moment and then asked, "Under what authority are you doing business in Canada?" I smiled and casually replied that I frequently provide training for Canadian customers on behalf of my American-based company. When he started writing, I knew something bad was about to happen. Rather than being quickly waved through customs, I was told to report to the Customs office for additional inspections. Immediately my mouth got dry, my heart began to race, and sweat popped out on my forehead. What on earth was going on?
I had absolutely nothing to hide, but as I approached the officers and their dogs, my anxiety increased. I was told to leave my vehicle and report to the office. Upon entry to the office, I was faced with a grim lineup of customs officials who waved me forward to explain myself. I was briefed on the limitations and illegality of Americans working in Canada, as prescribed by the North American Free Trade Alliance (NAFTA). Large forms appeared and the interrogation began. I began by explaining that I frequently am in Canada doing exactly the same thing I was doing on this trip, and had never had any problems at Canada Customs. (Probably NOT the right thing to say at this point!) The official raised her eyebrows as though I had just admitted to being an international drug courier, celebrating my successful smuggling activities. Things had just gone from bad to worse.

As the sweat ran down my back I began to think through all the dire possibilities of how this could end. In desperation I asked, "Does it not make any difference that I'm a Canadian?" The official looked up and asked, "What did you say?" I repeated my question and her demeanor suddenly changed.  Sensing a glimmer of hope I continued, "I was born in Owen Sound, Ontario and I lived in this country for the first 30-years of my life." With a dramatic flair, she swept the piles of paperwork off her desk and into the trash. "I'm so sorry sir, this is all a mistake. You are free to go and I apologize for the inconvenience." "Hold on," I said. "With all the modern technology, how is it that my records didn't show I was a Canadian citizen?" She explained that if I had produced my passport, the agent at the border would have simply waved me through. However, I had attempted entry with my NEXUS card which simply shows me to be a "Trusted Traveler" from the United States, thereby implying American citizenship. She concluded, "You should never have been detained and you are free to enter, and work, and do anything else a citizen of this country is entitled to. Welcome to Canada...and please, accept my apologies for this. I'm really not even allowed to question you since you are a lawful citizen of this country."

As I left the border and proceeded into Ontario, I thought about the amazing benefits of citizenship, and I regretted the stress and anxiety that I had allowed to torment me for the hour that I had been detained. It got me thinking about many professing Christians who seem blissfully unaware of their citizenship...and the anxiety this creates as we all have a "border crossing" in our future. One day we will die, and I am more and more amazed at the number of professing Christians who seem terrified at the prospect of what will be the greatest day of our lives...the day that we get to enter our country.

I fear that so much of the anxiety experienced by Christians, and so much of the unChristlike behavior and conversations that are taking place around this election are simply the result of a great blindness that is being experienced by those who profess faith in Christ Jesus. Our enemy, Satan (not Hillary, or Donald, or any other human being) has convinced those of Christ's family, that they are simply Americans. If you proudly consider yourself an American, or Canadian, or Mexican etc., I challenge you to see yourself as your Redeemer sees you: As a citizen of Heaven, placed on this earth as a "foreign" Ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you don't believe that this is your true identity, read this from 2 Corinthians 5:
 From now on, therefore, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we once regarded Christ according to the flesh, we regard him thus no longer17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 18 All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. 20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for ChristGod making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. 21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become sthe righteousness of God.
The passages I have placed in bold (above) state the case as clear as it can be stated. God created you, He loves you, and the greatest fear (if God can fear) that He has is that you will go your entire life and never realize that He loves you and has paid for all of your sins. He is not mad at you, or eager to punish you. HE LOVES YOU-So much that He gave His only Son to pay the price for every sin you have ever committed. If you will simply acknowledge your guilt before Him, and believe in what He has done for you in Jesus Christ, you will be "born again" into a brand new creature. Your "old man"...that gave you citizenship in Adam's race and was a slave to Satan will DIE, and you will be born again...a brand new creation! If you have been born again, you are no longer an American, nor any other nationality. You are a citizen of heaven with all the rights and privileges and responsibilities afforded to citizens of Heaven. As a citizen of heaven, God already sees you as safely and securely with Him in heaven! (Eph.2:6) So why the distress about the election, about death, about all those things that citizens of this world worry about? If your faith today rests on the shed blood of Jesus Christ as the payment for your sins, and you believe that God actually raised him bodily from the dead, You have nothing to fear from anything that this world brings to pass, even death!(Romans 10:9-10)

One closing thought. The passage above tells us that as citizens of heaven, we don't view people the same way the lost race of Adam does (those who have rejected Christ as their Savior). Citizens of heaven don't view people according "to the flesh". As citizens of heaven we see only two races of people on the earth. Those of Adam's race who we desperately desire to introduce to Jesus Christ, and those fellow citizens of heaven who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to be the actual body of Jesus Christ on this planet...with all the privileges and potential and power that Christ himself had available in his physical body 2000 years ago. How should this affect our thinking...and our speech, and our behavior when Hillary Clinton and/or Donald Trump is brought up?

Hillary and Donald suffer from the same affliction as all the members of Adam's race. Unless they confess Jesus Christ as Lord and believe that God has raised him from the dead, they are lost, devoid of the power of the Holy Spirit, and that fact breaks the heart of Jesus Christ who died for Hillary, Barak, Donald, Steve Clark...and the entire human race. God had an amazing plan to display His eternal glory through his greatest creation: human beings...and he has never stopped viewing you according to your eternal potential. Sadly, as citizens of Adam's race, we rejected God's plan for us, and embraced the enemy...and willingly becoming his slaves...and the rest is history.

I thank God that though I used to be a citizen of Canada and the United States, I am now a citizen of heaven. The greatest news ever is this: There is no wall in heaven. "Whosoever will may come." (Rev.2:17) There is only one requirement when you reach the border of that heavenly country: To enter you must be a citizen.  Regardless of what happens on Tuesday November 8, 2016, my job as an Ambassador of the King will be unaffected. I will still have the glorious privilege to serve my King, no matter who moves to the White House. I pray for Hillary and Donald, and for all in my sphere of influence that are still in Adam's race. I pray that they too would one day come home and join me as a citizen of Heaven. If you would like more information about how you can gain citizenship in heaven, please contact me and it would be my privilege to share with you this glorious gift.

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.