Sunday, August 23, 2015

The 30-day ZC Experiment: Aug.13-Sep.11, 2015

This 30-day test was first suggested on the ZIOH (Zeroing in on Health) Facebook Group as well as the PrincipiaCarnivora Facebook Group. My investigation of these two groups on fb highlighted a wide variety of individuals throughout the world who have embraced ZC and the documented results were shocking. The studies and investigative journalism that I had already been exposed to (Gary Taubes et al), primed me for this next step.  Based on my own study and knowing my own goals, I structured the following parameters for my 30-day experiment.

Begin/End Aug.13-Sep.11, 2015
1. Unlimited animal products with primary focus on fatty meats and a minimal amount of processed meats including:
  • beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs (no mutton as I don't care for it)
  • raw local Jersey milk (no more than 6 oz per day due to milk sugar count)
  • raw Jersey milk kefir (homemade) (6 oz per day)
  • cheese in small amounts as desired
  • black coffee (no sweetener)
  • water
2. Log all food with an eye to content of Fat, Carb, Protein
  • Aim for less than 10% Carb daily
  • Aim for more than 60% Fat daily
  • Aim for approx 30-40% Protein daily
3. Don't worry about calories. When hungry, Eat Meat and drink water...until satisfied, regardless of caloric values. (I will have access to my calorie count each day since I am logging food but I do not have any limitation on calories.

4. No intentional exercise. The only way to truly evaluate this WOE is to take the 30-days and  do nothing outside of the norm...which for me means no exercise except perhaps a leisurely  1.5 mile walk with my wife three or 4-times per week. One of the subordinate goals that meshes with my weight loss is a desire to lose weight prior to the start of hockey season. (early November). Once hockey season arrives, I typically play once or twice a week.
For those of you who still believe the myth that the secret to staying slim is exercise...please read Charles Washington's excellent blog post (including valid research on this subject) found here: Why Exercise Isn't the Answer for the Overweight, by Charles Washington
I will also refer you to the Trailblazers page where you can read the testimony of William Banting. In his short Letter on Corpulence he shows what great (not) results he achieved through vigorous exercise. 

5. Weigh Weekly and record. I use the "Lose It" app and this makes record keeping for this 30-days a breeze. I will post some screenshots of my progress along the way.

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