A real test this week as I am working in West Palm Beach for 4-days. After getting off the airplane in WPB, I went directly to Sam's Club and purchased my food for the week. 3 beautiful/fatty ribeyes, some beef brisket, bacon (of course), eggs, blue cheese, heavy cream, and bottled water. I put the cream in the freezer to make true ice cream.
Upon checking in a the hotel, my reward as a frequent traveler was a bottle of water, bag of M&Ms, and a high-carb granola bar. I need to get rid of these last two items as I don't want to have to see them each day. I will put them out at my training today as a snack. Somebody will eat them...but not me! Funny the things that happen...at least I got a free bottle of water. Yippee!
The M&Ms were calling my name all night! Thank goodness for the ice cream...a couple spoonfulls of the frozen heavy cream and I was good for the remainder of the evening. Went to bed early (7:30pm) and had more vivid dreams...what I call "Carnivore Dreams". Nothing disturbing or sexual, just weird, everyday life. Last night it was on/off dreaming. E.g. An old car that I had 25 years ago was not running right. It was pouring white exhaust, then black exhaust, and I was trying to get ideas from people about what might be wrong with it. Weird stuff that makes you wonder, "Did that really happen?" Thankfully, I don't still have a 1985 Pontiac Parisienne...brown in color.
I thought it was a Monte Carlo?